Sunday 1st August 2021

Pastor Nigel leading, sharing Communion and speaking about the Holy Spirit. Mandy speaking to the children.

Sunday 25th July 2021 service

Pastor Nigel leading, sharing Communion and bringing the Word. Mandy speaking to the children.

Sunday 18th July 2021 Service

Pastor Nigel leading and sharing Communion. Mandy Marsh speaking about the Fruits of The Spirit.

Sunday 11th July 2021

Pastor Nigel leading and sharing Communion, Mandy speaking about The Twelve Disciples and Camilla Clarke sharing about Compassion.

Sunday 4th July 2021 Service

Pastor Nigel speaking about "Love Your Neighbour" and sharing Communion. Mandy speaking to the children.

Sunday 27th June 2021 service.

Pastor Nigel speaking about Loving God whole heartedly and sharing Communion. Mandy speaking about Joseph.

Sunday 20th June 2021 service

Pastor Nigel leading and sharing Communion. Mandy speaking to the children. Georgina Varney sharing The Word.

Sunday 13th June 2021

Pastor Nigel leading and sharing Communion. Mandy sharing with the children about Samson. Pastor Jon Rowe (of Springs Church) sharing The Word.

Sunday 6th June 2021 Service

Pastor Nigel speaking about Love. With Communion, and Mandy speaking to the children.

Sunday 30th May 2021 service

Pastor Nigel leading and sharing Communion, Becky Downes sharing The Word.